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The Thrivespan™ Philosophy

"Thrivespan is an integrated approach to meaning, relationships, career, and health, supported by the three tenets of Purpose (non-goal oriented), Success (goal-oriented), and Longevity (healthspan). Thrivespan is a straightforward, evidence-based, practical, and accessible system for everyone -- everything can be accessed for free. No matter how much we cultivate one or two of these areas, rarely do we flourish in all three. When we are in balance in these areas, we live more meaningful, more successful, healthier, and longer lives. Yes, Thrivespan™ is for everyone. No, it's never too late to start." 

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Sean Elliott, B.S., J.D.

Find the balance in your life. Take your first step towards the Thrivespan™ you deserve.

Join us for easy-to-implement, practical steps to success, inner-meaning , and a longer healthspan (no, we don't use the word lifespan around here, and you will learn why).

The 3 Tenets of Thrivespan™

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About Sean Elliott

I'm Sean, a Hollywood talent executive, father to two teen girls, husband, healthy living attempter (I often fail), and a passionate, overly- nerdy student of life.


I love finding the patterns and macro meaning of how and why things work at a scientific level. I also love taking big, calculated risks (newsflash: I often fail here, too). In college, I earned my B.S. in Biology and published two research papers on behavioral ecology—why animals do the things they do. In law school, I published two law review articles on protecting the publicity rights of creators, as I became exceedingly interested in utilizing my talents and skills to support, guide, inspire, and fight for others. Helping others realize their true potential is probably my greatest joy in life.  

After law school, I took the risk of working long hours for little money in a Hollywood talent agency mailroom, instead of choosing the more lucrative and predictable path at a major law firm. That risk paid off as  I was fortunate enough to represent some of the biggest names in show business as a senior talent agent at William Morris Endeavor, one of the most influential companies in America.  After a decade-and-a-half at WME, I took another risk and opened and ran the LA office of a then-boutique NYC-based entertainment company—I felt a deep desire to help build a culture that exudes the ideals I value--collaboration, teamwork, ethics, and success for ourselves and our clients.


Ten years later, I am amazed at what we have built at Authentic, now a major talent management company, representing Oscar and Emmy winners and an inspiring array of visionary artists. As a Managing Partner at the firm, I love guiding the careers of artists and creators and supporting them to find the expression of their own unique brands and visions. I also love being in a leadership role where I can both learn from the younger generations, and also be  a mentor, role model, and source of encouragement for them. Motivating others to succeed is a core value of mine and something that brings me deep and intense joy and meaning. 


So what does longevity have to do with all of this? Again, it comes from being a real person with a busy life and a desire to learn from others and improve life.


Being "in shape" has always been a part of my life, but it wasn't until I turned 50 that I really began to see how little I actually knew about wellness and well-being. I thought I was being healthy when I ate "sugar-free," or "organic" for example, and then was shocked when I learned I was a sucker for labels and missing the forest for the trees. All the supplements in the world are not as important as the right habits and basic exercises.  

I love researching and implementing self-improvement in the worlds of meaning, personal success, and health, but rarely could I find one philosophy that truly integrates and  balanced all three tenets in a realistic and consistent manner.


One key area was missing from what I was learning: how to thrive through the decades in practical, realistic ways that busy people with real jobs and obligations can implement without having to be superhuman or super rich.


To me, it's not just about living healthier for longer, but making the most of this precious life we've been given.


I created Thrivespan™ as a place to share my research, learnings, and life experiences and make them applicable to anyone at any stage of their lives, with any amount of resources. I am excited to have you on this journey with me!


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Thrivespan™ by Sean Elliott


© 2023 by Sean Elliott

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