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Purpose includes meaning or value. In some instances, we might think of it as flow, love, delight, or even enlightenment.


You can call this whatever resonates with you -- purpose, meaning, value, flow, grace, connection, enlightenment, or anything else that speaks to you.

Purpose is non-goal-oriented, intrinsic, generative, and often hard to explain with words. It can be felt deeply in our souls or overwhelm us, bigger than we could ever hope to imagine. Purpose provides a sense of value or significance.

We always need a sense of purpose in every unique moment. However, our purpose can change by the minute and can be infinitely huge or infinitesimally small. Rarely, you might be on a valiant quest for the over-arching meaning of life. More often, in a given moment, your meaning might be something as simple as the innocent look in your dog's eyes or reveling in the inexplicable bond with your child. Purpose also relates to healthy, unconditional relationships -- relationships with our friends, family, significant other, colleagues, teammates, roommates, etc. And, very importantly (and often the most difficult) is the relationship with ourselves.

Imagine we are in the mountains and overwhelmed with the majesty of the setting, the feel of the breeze, and the memories of past hikes. We love being in the mountains, just for the connection and the feeling. This is one example of purpose.


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